scared of the desert scared of freedom
scared of Out There scared of being alone
scared of nothing for miles around but sand and desolation
scared that there will be no food no cuddles no love
scared that
is so very far away
that i will never see it
except in my mind's eye where the ochre stone
breathes lazily in the evening sun
scared i am not strong enough scared that my fear
will keep me hewing rock and sleeping in resentment
until i die
now er, maybe my bible-study hasn't been careful enough, but isn't this about the exodus, not pesach?
Passover was the last of the plagues (there were seven others) while the jews were still in captivity. It involved murdering all the firstborn of Eygpt.
After passover, the Jews made good an escape and were pursued by Pharoah's armies.
The Red Sea parted to let them through, drowning the armies of the pharoah hot in pursuit, and they made good their escape into the Sinai desert, where they spent 40 years.
The exodus is all part of the Pesach thang. The whole story is told at the Seder - from the yoke of slavery, through the plagues, to the escape into the desert.
The reason that matzohs (a special kind of unleavened bread resembling a cracker) are eaten during passover is that when the israelites fled into the desert, they didn't have time to let their bread rise properly before doing a runner, so they had to eat flatbreads instead.
So freedom comes at a price, etc etc. You have to eat shitty crackers and live in a desert for 40 years. That's the general idea, anyways.
And you have to kill babies cos they're the wrong race. Don't forget that.
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