Thursday, 8 May 2008

Where I Live - Part II

Allegedly, there is a station in the village. Here it is. However, as far as I know, there has not been a single train or train-like piece of equipment that has stopped here since the universe began. One passes over the alleged "railway bridge" on one's way up the hill to the "top shops".

Right by the top shops, here is the local Anglican church. Every so often, the blood drive comes to the church hall and and inveigels volunteers to part with their Precious Bodily Fluids. Notice the cute flowerbed, complete with proto-palm thing.

A close-up shot of the village's War Memorial, which is right by the churches and the top shops.

Coming back down from the top of the village, you find yourself walking over the A1. Here is a sign telling you how to get to London. On the other side of the road, there's a sign telling you how to get to Edinburgh. Don't get confused, now.

This is the house where I stay. Congratulations. You have now completed your brief tour round the village. Put the kettle on and cut yourself a nice big slice of cake.

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